This is where I share more of my weddings, engagement, portrait and lifestyle sessions along with some behind-the-scenes of all the magic. When I'm not working I'm still taking my camera around with me to document the travels, my family, and life as I see it.
That’s the power and beauty behind intimate motherhood photography. Some of my favorite sessions are between mothers and their children. There’s an illustrious magic behind this type of family bond that can’t quite be explained. As a mother myself, I’ve found more and more inspiration through different mothers around me to create this romantic maternity photoshoot as a celebration of the beauty of all women.
It never really feels like the holidays until you see the holiday family portraits sessions of loved ones start popping up all over your social media feeds. After all, it’s more than just a holiday card. It’s a nod to time-honored traditions: it’s a recap of another beautiful year gone by and shared with the […]